Today I have a problem with SSH. I get access to two new servers (let’s call them Obelix and Idefix) and I want to set up key based login on my local machine (Panoramix). It wasn’t so easy, because that new server accept only connections from one server (let’s call it Asterix) that I also have login account. I wasn’t able to connect to this new server from Panoramix. I need to log in to Asterix and then to Obelix or Idefix.

First of all. I try to log from Panoramix. OK, it works but with password. I do my usual routine of pushing public key to remote server

cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh janisz@panoramix "mkdir ~/.ssh; cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

but still I wasn’t able to connect without password. I try to use ssh-add id_rsa but it returns following error > Could not open a connection to your authentication agent. you need to run ssh-agent bash and then ssh-add id_rsa

Basically my ssh-agent didn’t know which shell should use. I just told it to use bash with ssh-agent bash then I was able to ssh-add id_rsa and login without password. Only one thing that was wrong every time I log into Asterix I need to call this 2 lines before I can login on Idefix or Obelix. For me that was unacceptable.

To solve this problem I could add above 2 instructions to bash.profile but I didn’t go that way. Instead of this I use technique of creating SSH Config file. In this file you can specify your remote host address, port, user name and I believe all other required information including identification file path. I create configuration file ~/.ssh/config and fill it with following content

Host obelix
	User janisz
	IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Host idefix
	User janisz
	IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

This solution is nice because I can log in with simple ssh obelix and also it allow me to easy manage my keys and use different for every server.

But this was not the finial step. I was able to log on Obelix without password but I need to log on Asterix and from it log on Obelix. Not good enough for me. To allow me use one line connection I create SSH tunnel between my local Panoramix and Asterix using

ssh -f -L asterix -N
ssh -f -L asterix -N

What that magic lines do? They just connect localhost port 2022 with port 22 on Obelix but connection is bypassed by Asterix. I put these 2 lines in /etc/rc.local to create tunnel on system startup. Now I can log on Obelix from my local machine with ssh janisz@localhost -p 2022. Next steps are already described above. I pushed keys to Obelix and Idefix and add SSH configuration. This time including port

Host Obelix
	HostName localhost
	User janisz
	Port 2022
Host Idefix
	HostName localhost
	User janisz
	Port 2023

And that’s all. Now I can log using simple ssh Obelix on my local machine.

To help you understand the process here is small glossary * Panoramix - my local machine * Asterix - remote server trusted by Idefix and Obelix * Idefix, Obelix - new servers that allows connection only from Asterix

In other words Obelix and Idefix can talk only with Asterix who can talk with anybody (e.g Panoramix)


All I wrote above works fine. There could be problem if your SSH connection is idle for long time and server may close connection (it could be prevented by adding KeepAlive parameter in configuration). I was searching for better solution and I found it. It turns out that SSH has described feature built in and all I need to do is to add proper configuration entry. Here is how it should look like

Host Asterix
Host Obelix
        ProxyCommand ssh -q -W %h:%p Asterix
Host Idefix
        ProxyCommand ssh -q -W %h:%p Asterix


01 December 2013
