Sometimes I have problem to focus on programming. I know this should never happen but sometimes it does. Following list help me to bring me back to code. I didn’t make numbered list as you could usually see on toplists but order is not unintentional.

Code Monkey

My absoulutely favourite song. Whats more great it’s available directly on Spotify so I added it to my daily playlist. Story told by Jonathan Culton is so true and what’s more important non programming folks could understand it too.

Java Zone

Orginally perfomed by Lady Java (do not confuse with Lady Gaga).

And so you code

From time to time, I do mechanical work that I’ve done before thousand times but for some reason I can’t automate it. This help me keep rhythm.

Java Life (Code Hard)

Write in C

If you like Beatles you gonna love it.

Free Software Song

Actually I don’t really like this song but I really appreciate RMS point o view

And last but not least some contribution from my own country.

Projekt Expowiak (Refucktoring)

Only people who has fight with legacy code and try to modernize it could understand how hard work it is.

Internety robie (Internet maker)

Smutny programista (Sad programmer)


06 July 2014
